The Platform for Social Change (in 2015-2022, Social Academy of Ukraine) was founded for research, training and consulting in the field of social entrepreneurship and innovation in Ukraine. It creates social impact labs and supports startups focused on solving social problems.
The platform acts as a catalyst for positive changes in Ukrainian society, promoting the development of social entrepreneurship by providing consulting assistance, training and funding, contributing to the creation of the necessary infrastructure for the development of the sector.
Among its tasks is the identification of active social enterprises and entrepreneurs, as well as new innovative initiatives; the integration of foreign and Ukrainian partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors developing the spirit of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine; and spreading the idea of social entrepreneurship and forming a favourable attitude towards it.
The Platform for Social Change provides social entrepreneurs in Ukraine with a full range of services for the effective implementation of their strategies. It has already supported more than 600 startups. Climate change, inclusion, development of rural areas, helping young people or defending women’s rights and opportunities are among the challenges for social enterprises.
The Academy’s current programmes include a ‘Social Entrepreneurship Pre-Accelerator’, which organises a social startup competition; an online course for social entrepreneurship development for Ukrainian women; a Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator – business development intensive for new social enterprises and existing social enterprises; and a series of webinars for leaders of social initiatives and projects seeking to grow and develop their organisations.
The Platform for Social Change has among its partners Social Economy Europe, the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA); Economy of Communion, the Economy of Francesco and Diesis Network.