On September 30, Social Economy Europe (SEE) submitted its contribution to the European Commission call for evidence on social economy framework conditions in view of the proposal for a Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions, that the Commission will put forward around May 2023.
Alongside with the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup, SEE has been advocating for a Council Recommendation on social economy since 2018. The Council Recommendation on social economy will be a key action for the success of the Social Economy Action Plan’ agenda, and a driver for policy innovation on social economy in the 27 Member States, and potentially beyond, as it might be useful also for neighbouring countries which are currently updating their social economy policy and legal frameworks.
In its contribution, SEE focuses on the following areas:
- Social economy policy & legal frameworks that embrace the diversity of the social economy.
- A structured dialogue with social economy stakeholders for better framework conditions: SEE calls on Member States and relevant public authorities to strengthen or support the development of social economy representative networks, particularly in Member States where the social economy ecosystem is not developed to its full potential.
- Better data and statistics on the social economy
- Social economy’s participation in social dialogue as an employer
- Access to finance, state aid and taxation
- Access to markets (public and private procurement)
- Transitions, industry, entrepreneurship, education & Skills
- Monitoring the implementation of the Council Recommendation on Social Economy
Discover here SEE full contribution to the call for evidence