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News of the European Social Economy

Report ‘Feeling the Heat: How Foundations Can Use their Investments to Curb Climate Change’

The European Philanthropy Association Philea has published a report on how foundations can align their investments with the climate, using three case studies. The objective of the report is to encourage foundations to invest their endowment and assets in a way that takes into account climate change and seeks to align with a rapid and just transition to a decarbonized economy.

Despite the diversity and differences among foundations, the report has identified common themes that could be applicable to foundations from different national regulatory contexts seeking to initiate or continue aligning their investments with the climate.

As the report points out, foundations hold approximately 647 billion euros in assets, so there is great potential to achieve significant impact on pillar 4 of the international #PhilanthropyForClimate pact.

The three case studies addressed in the report are those of Barrow Cadbury Trust; Nordea-Fonden, and Fundación Antonio Aranzábal.

Access the report in English

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