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News of the European Social Economy

ICA CCR Europe Research Conference 2025 – Helsinki, 12 and 13 June 2025

The International Cooperative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research Europe (ICA CCR Europe) conference will be organised in Helsinki, Finland on the 12th to 13th of June 2025. With cooperation from renowned experts and academics dedicated to cooperative research, this is a must-attend event for all in the field. Prior to the conference in Helsinki, a Young Scholars day will be held in Joensuu on June 10th. Designed for master’s, PhD and post-doctoral students, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in dynamic, in-depth discussions, receive feedback on their work and establish life-long networks. With 2025 marking the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives, the theme of the conference will be ‘Cooperative Identity – Who we are as a movement, a form of organization and as cooperators?’. Extended abstract deadline until February 28.

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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea