News of the European Social Economy
SEN#7December 2021
One year of Social Economy News. Thank you for your welcome and Happy 2022
CIRIEC's new newsletter 'Social Economy News' has completed its first year, in which it has sent out 7 issues in its three versions: in French, English and Spanish. CIRIEC-Spain and CIRIEC-International launched 'Social Economy News' at the end of 2020, with the main objective of capturing the most relevant information on the European and international social economy (cooperatives, mutual societies, associations and foundations) and disseminating it online through a Newsletter that in this first year has approached 25,000 recipients per issue.
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European Commission presents Action Plan for the Social Economy
It aims to help the European Social Economy to thrive, harnessing its economic and job creation potential, as well as its contribution to a fair and inclusive recovery and to the green and digital transitions. The Plan includes 38 concrete actions to be implemented over the next nine years, in key areas such as state aid, legal and policy frameworks, responsible public procurement and market access, social economy entrepreneurship, access to finance and European funds.
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Social Economy Europe welcomes the adoption of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy
The Commission Communication "Building an economy that works for people: an action plan for the social economy" has a nine-year horizon for implementation (2021-2030), and will be evaluated in 2025. Social Economy Europe considers the Social Economy Action Plan to be "an impressive EU public policy", co-created with social economy actors, which offers a positive blueprint for Europe.
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CIRIEC invites you to the 33rd International Congress on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy - Valencia, 13-15 June 2022
CIRIEC Spain and CIRIEC-International are stepping up preparations for what is expected to be the biggest event in the public, social and co-operative economy next year, the 33rd CIRIEC International Congress, to be held from 13 to 15 June 2022 in Valencia. To this end, on 22 and 23 November, the city hosted a series of CIRIEC meetings and institutional receptions, as well as a visit to the venue for the Congress, the Palau de las Arts, in the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia.
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The International Co-operative Alliance held its 33rd World Congress in Seoul
The global co-operative movement was welcomed to the World Co-operative Congress in Seoul by the President of the Republic, Moon Jae-in, who gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the event on 1st December. The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) organises co-operative congresses every 5-10 years to bring together the co-operative movement from all over the world. The Seoul Congress was attended by more than 1,000 delegates, and hundreds more participated in the congress virtually.
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ICA Research Congress and International Forum on Co-operative Law
From 28-30 November 2021, just before the start of the 33rd World Co-operative Congress, two major events were held: the Research Congress on Co-operatives and the 3rd International Forum on Co-operative Law. Delegates met in Seoul and online. Their work fed into the 33rd World Co-operative Congress debates on Co-operative Identity.
Read moreSocial Economy Live

Donors and Foundations Network (Dafne) and the European Foundation Centre (EFC) announce their convergence into Philea, Philanthropy Europe Association
Philea will nurture a diverse and inclusive ecosystem of philanthropic organisations and support networks in over 30 countries that work for the common good. It will unite more than 10,000 public-benefit foundations that seek to improve life for people and communities in Europe and around the world.
Read morePublic and Private Initiatives for Social Economy

60 full scholarships for students from non-EU countries to study in Ireland in the academic year 2022/23
The Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme 2022-2023 is now open for applications from international students from non-EU countries to avail the opportunity to study for free in Ireland Universities. The MSc in Co-operatives, Agri-Food and Sustainable Development, offered by University College Cork, is eligible for this programme. The scholarship pays full university fees and living costs of €10,000.
Read moreResearch and Studies

World Cooperative Monitor: 10 years of exploring the cooperative economy
The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse) launched the 2021 edition of the World Cooperative Monitor, during the ICETT Think Tank Seminar, preceding the World Cooperative Congress (Seoul, 1-3 December). 2021 marks the 10th edition of this annual report and continues the analysis on the reactions of cooperatives to the crisis COVID-19 emergency and how they are pursuing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 is released
The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021 is the sixth edition in a series of biennial reports that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship.
Read moreSocial Economy Schedule
Event 'Social Economy: The Future of Europe' - 17-18 February 2022 in Strasbourg
The French Presidency is hosting the event 'Social Economy: The Future of Europe' (Solutions for people and the planet). This high level and important conference will take place on 17-18 February 2022 in Strasbourg, France. Registration for this conference will be available soon.
+info33rd CIRIEC International Congress on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy - Valencia, 13-15 June 2022
Valencia (Spain) will be the world capital of the Public, Cooperative and Social Economy on 13, 14 and 15 June 2022, with the 33rd CIRIEC International Congress. The Congress will be held under the theme "New global dynamics in the post-Covid era: challenges for the public, social and cooperative economy". CIRIEC-Spain and CIRIEC-International invite the international community to the Congress, which is aimed at managers of public and private enterprises worldwide, representatives of the economic and social world, cooperative and social economy leaders, trade unionists, politicians, professionals and scientists. The Congress will have as its inaugural speaker the Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman. Call for papers available.
+info7th World Congress of the International Society of Business Economics and Ethics (ISBEE 2022) - Bilbao, 20-22 July 2022
The International Society of Business Economics and Ethics (ISBEE) has rescheduled for 20-22 July 2022 in Bilbao its VII World Congress, which should have been held in 2020 and was suspended due to the pandemic. A track from CIRIEC on 'The power of the social economy: its contribution to business ethics and the SDGs' has been accepted.