News of the European Social Economy
SEN#4June 2021

Acredited signature
Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP and member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
In the global disaster of the pandemic, the contribution of social economy organisations was immediately in the front line to respond to the emergencies of many people in difficulty. We are talking here about solidarity networks, voluntary actions, associations and social cooperatives, which were able to implement responses of great solidarity and proximity with local communities.
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Mannheim Declaration on Social Economy
The European Social Economy Summit (#EUSES) was organised by the City of Mannheim in partnership with the European Commission and with the support of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The event brought together more than 3,000 participants representing the rich diversity of the social economy in Europe. The main output of EUSES is the Mannheim Declaration on Social Economy, which identified the needs to be done to strengthen the Social Economy in Europe.
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EESC approved its opinion on ‘The role of social economy in the creation of jobs and in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights’
On April 27, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) approved its opinion on ‘The role of social economy in the creation of jobs and in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights’, whose rapporteur is Giuseppe Guerini (President of CECOP). The document is an exploratory opinion requested by the Portuguese Presidency ofthe Council.
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XVth General Assembly of Social Economy Europe
XVth General Assembly of Social Economy Europe was held on June 8 as hybrid event in Brussels, at Solidaris Mutual. Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of CEPES, was re-elected as SEE President for a three years mandate alongside with the same team of Vice-Presidents: Alain Coheur (AIM), Patrizia Bussi (ENSIE) and Jérôme Saddier (ESS-France).
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133 contributions to co-build the European Social Economy Action Plan
Monday 26 April was the deadline to submit contributions for the future European Action Plan for the Social Economy and 133 contributions were submitted by the social economy community and other stakeholders. The European Commission and Social Economy Europe thank all other partners and friends that have submitted contributions on this occasion.
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CEPES, OECD and CIRIEC project to improve the legal frameworks of the Social Economy at the global level
The Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES), together with the support of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and funding from the European Union, has launched the project 'Promote legal frameworks favorable to the Social Economy at a global level'. CIRIEC-International participates in the project as a scientific partner. The main goal of the project is to promote laws and regulations that improve the legal framework of the Social Economy in the different countries.
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Porto Social Summit & Conference on the Future of Europe in Strasbourg
Two major events that can influence the future of the European Union for the next decades were held in Porto and Strasbourg: the Porto Social Summit and the Conference on the Future of Europe’s inaugural event in Strasbourg.
Read morePublic and Private Initiatives for Social Economy

Have your say: Data Act & amended rules on the legal protection of databases
The European Commission aims at collecting the views of Member States’ competent public authorities, academic and research institutions, business associations, industrial clusters, companies/businesses, consumer organisations, trade unions and citizens. The European Commission also counts on Social Economy stakeholders to get a better understanding of the data sharing issues for social enterprise and social economy organisations and fine-tune this initiative.
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Social Enterprises in Malta are gaining traction
Following the publication of a White Paper on social enterprises in July 2015, the Social Enterprise Act has recently been presented as a Bill to the Maltese Parliament. The purpose of this Bill is to regulate social enterprise organisations, to establish the Regulator and the Register for Social Enterprise Organisations and to provide for a framework for benefits to be enjoyed by such social enterprise organisations.
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New book by CIRIEC-France: "Numérique, action publique et démocratie" (Digital, public action and democracy)
This book is the fifth in the collection "Économie publique et économie sociale" published by PURH under the direction of the scientific committee of CIRIEC-France. It is edited by Philippe Bance and Jacques Fournier, with the collaboration of Olivier Bonet and Yannick Prost.
Read moreSocial Economy Schedule
EFC Session: Imagining the future of philanthropy research
The EFC is co-organising “Imagining the future of philanthropy research” a session on 30 June looking to provide philanthropic organisations and researchers with a chance to discuss how best to leverage valid criticism, evidence and data, with Compagnia di San Paolo, Dafne, and ERNOP.
+infoISTR 21 Global Virtual Conference
Global Civil Society in Uncertain Times: Strengthening Diversity and Sustainability
July 12 - 15, 2021