News of the European Social Economy
SEN#34November 2024

The Mont Blanc Meetings will be back on 16 January 2025
By Anthony Ratier, Head of Organisational Development and Fundraising - ESS Forum International
"The Mont Blanc Meetings (MBM) are back on 16 January 2025 in Geneva at the ILO headquarters! ESS Forum International is returning to the DNA of the original Mont Blanc Meetings, which we are celebrating 20 years of, i.e. a place for exchanges and knowledge-sharing between the movement of SSE enterprises, major international institutions and civil society to address today’s major challenges."
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ICA holds its International Conference in New Delhi, with 3,000 participants to witness the launch of the International Year of Co-operatives 2025
The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) kicked off its International Conference in New Delhi on Monday 25 November, an event for co-operatives and the social economy from all over the world, which will bring together the main world actors until Saturday 30 November, and which has served as the opening event for the International Year of Co-operatives 2025, approved by the United Nations.
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European cooperatives come together for a sustainable and competitive Europe, and formulate priorities for the EU legislature 2024-2029
Leaders of the European Parliament and the cooperative ecosystem gathered on 5 November at the Europarliament in Brussels at the event entitled ‘Cooperative vision for a sustainable and competitive Europe: Priorities for the EU legislature 2024-2029’. The event was presented by MEP Irene Tinagli (S&D) and co-organised by CECOP and Cooperatives Europe with the support of REScoop, EACB, Euro Coop and COGECA.
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The European Economic and Social Committee urges new measures to facilitate social economy access to public procurement
The Plenary of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) approved on October 23 the Opinion titled “Public procurement and social economy entities”, with Ferre Wyckmans as rapporteur and Alain Coheur as co-rapporteur. In this opinion, the EESC stresses the importance of establishing “innovative criteria with real value, not limited to market-based aspects” for public procurement, considering “the added value generated in terms of social aspects (quality employment, inclusion, and integration of vulnerable people), ecological aspects (environmental impact), or territorial proximity”.
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11th European Farmers' Congress calls for a sustainable and competitive future
The 11th European Farmers' Congress, organised by COPA COGECA, was held from 23 to 25 October in Bucharest, where more than 400 participants tried to chart a new course for the continent's agriculture towards a more sustainable and competitive future for the next European legislature. Over the course of two days, ideas and proposals were put forward in an attempt to remedy the major agricultural, livestock and farming obstacles in the face of challenges such as the economic, climate and social ones.
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CIRIEC-Spain encourages Universities in Europe and Latin America to participate in the Report on University Education in the field of Social Economy
CIRIEC-España is lauching a call to academic institutions in Europe and Latin America to collaborate in the preparation of the "Report on University Education in the field of Social Economy in Europe and Latin America." This project aims to collect, highlight, and analyze formal university education offerings and teaching methodologies used in areas such as Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Social Economy, and related disciplines, including cooperativism, social innovation, solidarity economy, impact enterprises and social impact, among others.
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France celebrates Social and Solidarity Economy Month 2024 and warns of the consequences for the sector of the new Finance Law
SSE France celebrated Social and Solidarity Economy Month in November with the 17th edition of this event. At the opening ceremony, the main actors in the sector defended the role of the SSE as a response to restoring the bond of trust between citizens and public institutions. And the open letter addressed to Prime Minister Michel Barnier was presented, in which ten leaders of the French social economy warn that the new finance law could lead to the loss of thousands of jobs in the sector.
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The annual conference of FEBEA - European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks - is brimming with youth and unity for a socially transformative movement
A key meeting of the European ethical finance sector took place in Dublin on 26-27 September: the FEBEA (Federation of European Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers) annual meeting and conference. Hosted by Community Finance Ireland, FEBEA members gathered to vote on the future of the organisation, but also to attend presentations and conferences, to dialogue and debate, and to rethink the social and financial context in which we find ourselves.
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CIRIEC-Spain will hold its XX International Congress of Researchers in Social Economy from April 2 to 4, 2025, in Jaén
The 20th Congress of CIRIEC-Spain marks the consolidation of an almost forty-year tradition of promoting and researching cooperativism and the social economy, with the support of the social economy sector and public administrations. It reflects the continuity and relevance of CIRIEC's research work, as well as the commitment of the academic and professional community to promote and strengthen this field in Spain and internationally. The call for papers is open until 31 December.
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New issue of the Portuguese journal "Economia Social, Leituras e Debates" focused on innovation
The Portuguese journal Economia Social, Leituras e Debates has published its 22nd issue for October 2024, with a special focus on innovation in the sector, as a social and political tool for learning and advancing a sustainable economy.
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EuroPhilantopics 2024: New EU Mandate, New Partnerships with Philanthropy
EuroPhilantopics 2024 will take place on 3 December in Brussels under the heading “New EU Mandate, New Partnerships with Philanthropy”. EuroPhilantopics serves as a crucial platform for European foundations and philanthropy, for identifying common goals, sharing best practices and forging partnerships to address shared challenges collaboratively.
+infoEuropean Microfinance Day 2024 - 5 Dec. Brussels
The 2024 edition of the European Microfinance Day will give the floor to members of the European Microfinance Network (EMN) to share their experiences as actors in the social economy ecosystem and show how they support local and rural communities in addressing challenges such as empowering women's entrepreneurship and reducing environmental impact through the development of inclusive finance.
+infoICA CCR 2025 Global Research Conference - July 8-11, Montréal, Canada
The ICA CCR Global Research Conference 2025 will bring together numerous stakeholders from the international cooperative ecosystem, including practicioners and policymakers. In addition to discussing the role of cooperatives in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, the conference will also be a great opportunity to explore topics related to cooperation, including cooperative governance, business models, and education. Hosted by the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins (IICADD), participants will enjoy the new state-of-the-art HEC Montréal Hélène-Desmarais building in downtown Montreal. The conference is organized in partnership with CASC (Canadian Association for Studies in Cooperation).
+info10th International CIRIEC Research Conference on Social Economy - 27-29 October 2025, Bordeaux, France
The CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) and the Territories of the Social Solidarity Economy Chair (Chaire TerrESS) invites you to attend the 10th International Research Conference on Social Economy, to be held in Sciences Po Bordeaux, France, from 27 to 29 October 2025. The conference is an international meeting place for senior and early-stage researchers interested in the whole range of the social economy components (cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations), to exchange ideas and works. It will take place a few days before the Global social and solidarity economy forum (October 29-31), the international forum for local authorities and SSE organisations, so you can extend your stay in Bordeaux. The call for papers is open until 15 January. L'appel à contributions est ouvert jusqu'au 15 janvier.