News of the European Social Economy
SEN#3April 2021

An ambitious research program is needed
Marie J. Bouchard, PhD, Full Professor, Université du Québec in Montréal. President, CIRIEC International Scientific Commission "Social and Cooperative Economy"
The COVID-19 pandemic reveals the failures of the current growth model, which are reflected in multiple crises: climate, health, social, economic, financial and political. These dysfunctions intersect and combine, pointing out a major crisis in the entire system. It is now time to move towards a social and ecological transition and confirm our commitments in terms of social protection, respect for the environment and social and economic equity. To do so, we must encourage and support solidarity, from the national to the global level.
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CIRIEC's contribution to the consultation launched by the European Commission entitled "Roadmap on the action plan for the social economy"
CIRIEC considers that the social economy is one of the forms of the collective economy necessary to pursue the general interest, alongside public policy actors. CIRIEC takes the opportunity of this consultation opened by the European Commission to affirm its expectations regarding an action plan for the social economy in Europe.
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Social Economy Europe meets Commissioner Nicolas Schmit to present its proposals to co-build the Social Economy Action Plan
SEE President began his presentation by thanking Commissioner Schmit for the efforts to support social economy enterprises and organisations since he took office in late 2019: the announcement of the Social Economy Action Plan, his letter in April 2020 to all EU Ministers of Labour requesting them to make sure that social economy enterprises were able to access support measures on equal footing with other company forms, and other key measures and policies.
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EUSES Event - CIRIEC & Partnerships for maximizing social impact - 29.04.21
The UN Taskforce on Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Economy Europe co-organise the event “Social and Solidarity Economy: leading the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the contribution to a fair recovery”. The event will take place on April, 29 (10:00-16:00 CEST) in the framework of the European Social Economy Summit (#EUSES) on the day dedicated to Partnerships for maximising social impact.
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One year of CIRIEC-Spain's online Directory of Social Economy Researchers
CIRIEC-Spain's online Directory of Researchers has completed its first year, in which the data of 600 Social Economy researchers from Spain and numerous other countries have been successfully compiled.The Directory also includes information on university research centres and institutes in Social Economy in Spain. Researchers who are not yet in the Directory have the opportunity to join it by sending their application for admission.
Read morePublic and Private Initiatives for Social Economy

European Social Innovation Competition 2021- Now Open!
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Entrepreneurship & SMEs runs the European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC) across all EU countries and Horizon Europe associated countries, with the support of the European Innovation Council (EIC). The competition was launched in memory of social innovation pioneer Diogo Vasconcelos. Since 2013, it has been a beacon for social innovators across Europe, employing a proven methodology for supporting early-stage ideas and facilitating a network of radical innovators shaping our society for the better.
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Portuguese Presidency puts Social Economy at the heart of the EU’s agenda to create jobs and implement the European Pillar of Social Rights
The High-Level Conference of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU entitled “The role of the Social Economy in job creation and in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights” was held on March 29 in Sintra, in a hybrid format (both face-to-face and online). The conference proceeded to introduce the European capital of the Social Economy in 2021.
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OECD Global Action on Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with financial support from the European Union, has launched a Global Action to promote the social and solidarity economy (SSE) over the next 3 years. Funded by the European Union’s Foreign Partnership Instrument, the Global Action will cover all EU countries and non-EU countries such as Brazil, Canada, India, Korea, Mexico and the United States.
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Report of the Social Economy Intergroup Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation
The Social Economy Intergroup Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation: Investing in the Social Economy as tomorrow’s economy was held on the 18 February 2021, as a zoom webinar. This online event discussed the importance of investing in the upskilling and reskilling of social economy entrepreneurs and employees as drivers of sustainable development and fair transitions.
Read moreSocial Economy Schedule
AMICE Congress ‘The art of Transformation’
The AMICE Congress provides the opportunity for all European cooperative and mutual insurers to meet to share insights, ideas and experiences. It is also a unique occasion to engage with a wide variety of stakeholders, so the event is open to non-members as well as the AMICE membership.
ICA CCR Europe Research Conference
The International Cooperative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research (ICA CCR) EUROPE Research Conference will be held on 7-8-9 July 2021. The whole Conference, i.e. all workshops, keynotes and roundtables, will be held online. The conference may also be audited by participants who will not be presenting papers. Moreover, the ICA CCR Europe 2021 Conference offers a unique opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International Review of Social Economy or Recma (http://recma.org). Abstracts submission deadline: 7 May 2021
+info8th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy – San José (Costa Rica)
The objective of this conference will be to share the research of academics, business and social sectors contributing to topics such as: solidarity social economy within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, public economy, cooperatives, climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace, justice among other world priorities.
08-10 September 2021