Social Economy News

News of the European Social Economy

SEN#27February 2024

Towards a concrete option for global sustainability and the sovereign development of each community

By Ariel Guarco, ICA President

"Peace, equity, democracy, social justice, among other premises, should guide us today in building a sustainable world. That is, a world where we manage the resources available to us without compromising the environment and ensuring the supply of those resources for future generations".

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The European Social Economy Meeting in Liège places the social economy model at the core of green, digital, and inclusive transitions

The Congress Palace in the city of Liège (Belgium) hosted a new European Social Economy Meeting on February 12th and 13th, organized by the 2024 Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. The event was co-constructed with the Belgian regional administrations, stakeholders, and experts, including CIRIEC International and CIRIEC Belgium, at the request of the Walloon government. The Meeting concluded with the signing of the 'Liège Roadmap for Social Economy in the European Union,' which expands on last year's San Sebastián Manifesto with new commitments from governments to promote the sector in the EU.

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Social Economy Europe Memorandum for the European Elections 2024

Social Economy Europe (SEE) is committed to supporting the growth of the social economy across Europe and encourages EU institutions to continue their efforts by incorporating three main proposals: the renewal of the European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup; the appointment of a European Commissioner responsible for the Social Economy, and to continue and further develop the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan.

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European agricultural organizations are mobilizing to find solutions and re-establish a strategic approach to agriculture

The Presidencies of Copa and Cogeca received an invitation from the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, to participate in the opening session of the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture.

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Spain: the 5th University Week of Social Economy will take place from March 4th to 14th, 2024

Following the success of the previous editions, with the participation of 38 universities and more than 5,000 people in 142 activities in the last one, the ENUIES Network, of CIRIEC-Spain, calls again on Centers, Institutes, Chairs, and other research structures in Social Economy to celebrate the 5th University Week of Social Economy, which will take place this year from March 4th to 14th, both inclusive.

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A new edition of the World Cooperative Monitor, the ranking of the 300 largest cooperative and mutual enterprises in the world, is now available

On January 25th, the ICA and the Euricse Institute held a webinar to present the main findings of the 2023 World Cooperative Monitor (WCM). In its twelfth edition, the WCM includes the traditional ranking of the 300 largest cooperatives and mutuals in the world, based on various indicators, as well as employment data and a special report on the advantages of joining a cooperative.

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EU elections 2024: manifestos, positions and demands of the civil society organisations

As the countdown begins until the next EU elections in 2024, Social Platform and its network of civil society organisations are bringing the voices of those it represents to the forefront and championing the issues they want to see prioritised in the next mandate. 

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Research and Studies

New book: 'The Law of Third Sector Organizations in Europe'

The book 'The Law of Third Sector Organizations in Europe: Foundations, Trends, and Prospects,' edited by Antonio Fici, a professor at the University of Roma Tor Vergata, has been published by Springer. This book presents and discusses the law of third sector organizations in a selected number of European Union countries and in a comparative perspective, with the aim of providing a common basis for further legal analyses or legislative advancements both at the national and supranational level.

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Social Economy Schedule

AMICE Congress: The Art of Mutuality. 3-4 June 2024, Bilbao, Spain

The ninth AMICE Congress will take place on 3-4 June 2024 in Bilbao, Spain. The host for this edition is AMICE member, Seguros Lagun Aro. The theme for this edition is “The Art of Mutuality: People, Purpose, Potential”. Since its launch eighteen years ago, the AMICE Congress has become the most important event at which European mutual and cooperative insurers, their trading partners and EU policymakers meet and discuss the latest regulatory, legislative and international developments that are likely to affect their business.


GSEF call for papers: "Local SSE public policies for sustainable development"

GSEF research group on the impact of SSE public policies has launched a call for contributions on the theme of "Local SSE public policies at the service of sustainable development". If you are already working on this question or would like to undertake research on this topic, you can send your proposals for contributions before 28 February 2024 to You will find all the call for papers here :



CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea