News of the European Social Economy
SEN#24October 2023

Social Economy, an economy that prioritizes people over profit, the economy the world needs
By Sarah de Heusch, director of Social Economy Europe
"The many and recurrent challenges the world is facing requires system change in the way we produce and consume. Economic profit and growth can no longer be the only driving force of our enterprises and governments. This has been recognised by the UN and its members through the development of SDGs, and the recognition of Social Economy (SE) organizations and enterprises as important contributors to these goals, through their economic models that put the primacy of social objective over profit".
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EU Employment Council approves the European Commission Recommendation for the development of framework conditions for the Social Economy
The Employment and Social Policy Council of the European Union (EPSCO) approved the European Commission Recommendation for the development of framework conditions for the Social Economy on 9 October in Luxembourg. The Recommendation urges the Member States of the European Union to promote measures and policies to foster the social economy in all areas, especially in employment policies.
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San Sebastian prepares to host a historic European Social Economy Conference in November
On 13 and 14 November, San Sebastian is preparing to host the 'European Social Economy Conference: People, Planet, Action', organised by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference will bring together governments, European institutions, OECD, ILO, CIRIEC and heads of social economy enterprises from all over the world.
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UNTFSSE 4th Technical Symposium: Advancing the Social and Solidarity Economy
On October 2-3, 2023, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) attended its highly anticipated 4th Technical Symposium, in Montreal, Canada. The UNTFSSE Fourth Technical Symposium brought together global policymakers, practitioners, and researchers, to explore effective implementation of the UNGA Resolution ‘Promoting the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development’, and to develop a new UNTFSSE Action Plan to this regard.
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Copa-Cogeca and the European Space Agency launch partnership to secure the future of sustainable and digital agriculture
Copa-cogeca -the voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU- and the European Space Agency (ESA) have signed a first joint memorandum of intent “supporting the sustainable transformation of agriculture and the agri-food sectors through digitalisation and space”.
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Study supporting an impact assessment on cross-border activities of associations
The study provides a comprehensive analysis of associations and their socio-economic relevance in the EU. It aimed at identifying possible policy options in the form of both legislative and non legislative actions and providing data and information to assess their impact.
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France: Launch event for ESS Month 2023, November 6, Nanterre
As part of the 16th edition of ESS Month, ESS France - the French chamber of the social and solidarity economy - is organizing the ESS Month launch event on November 6, 2023 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at headquarters of Crédit Coopératif, 12 boulevard Pésaro in Nanterre (92000).
+infoEuropean Conference on Social Economy in San Sebastián, November 13-14, 2023
On November 13 and 14, the great Social Economy conference of the year will be held in Donostia-San Sebastián: "Social Economy: people, planet, action!" An initiative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy of Spain within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Last days to register!
+infoPresentation of the 2nd European Social Economy Awards - San Sebastian, 14 November
The second edition of the 'Social Academy Awards' will be held in San Sebastian on 14 November. These awards are given every two years by Social Economy Europe to recognise innovative business experiences at the technological, social and environmental levels. A great opportunity to showcase great examples of the Social Economy in areas such as Ecological Transition, Social Innovation, Digitalisation and Skills.
European Conference 'The Social economy at the Core of Transitions', 12-13 February 2024 | Liège (Belgium)
This meeting focusing on inclusive, green and digital transitions presents a unique opportunity for the social economy ecosystem to unite practitioners, scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders to share and exchange perspectives on innovative, resilient and inspiring economic models for a more social and sustainable Europe. Participation is open to all. Website, program and practical information available.