News of the European Social Economy
SEN#21June 2023

My journey to the Social and Solidarity Economy
By Ilcheong Yi, Senior Research Coordinator, Alternative Economies for Transformation Programme. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).
"In 2012, Peter Utting, then Deputy-Director of UNRISD, went to Rio De Janeiro to attend the session on green economy at Rio +20 to make a speech on the UNRISD research project on Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable Development (2011-2012). And he seemed to encounter a political economy model very much aligned with what he had been arguing for: moving away from “business as usual”, solidarity, democracy within and beyond organizations, and social movement etc. After coming back from Rio, he told me that “It was phenomenal!”. He looked like shouting out “Eureka”.
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The European Commission presents the Recommendation to the Council for the promotion of the Social Economy and the Commission's new gateway for the Social Economy
Following up to the 2021 Social Economy Action Plan, the Commission has presented a proposal for a Council recommendation for Member States to design and implement social economy strategies, and the social economy gateway, a one-stop shop website to provide social economy organisations with information on EU funding, training opportunities and more.
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EU Council Recommendation will mark the next future of European Social Economy policies
This was stated during the European Social Economy Conference held on 7-9 June in Gothenburg and organised by Coompanion, in collaboration with REVES, CECOP and Social Economy Europe. During the event the European Commission announced the imminent publication of its proposal on the Social Economy Recommendation, to be adopted by the EU Council
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Sarah de Heusch, new director of Social Economy Europe
Sarah de Heusch, a Belgian-Canadian citizen who grew up in Italy, has been appointed as the new director of Social Economy Europe (SEE), the representative platform of the European social economy, replacing Víctor Meseguer, the new commissioner for Social Economy of the Spanish Government. According to SEE, Sarah de Heusch is an activist for a fairer world, "with an insatiable curiosity for collective-based initiatives that strengthen social achievements and local dynamism".
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France: Manifest for a united, clear and conquering SSE!
The Manifest for a united, clear and conquering social economy has been signed in France. Published in the magazine Alternatives Economiques, it has been signed by activists, managers, leaders of the social economy, entrepreneurs and researchers who believe more than ever in the relevance of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in a world facing major challenges for democracy and social cohesion.
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The co-operative movement will dedicate the International Day of Co-operatives 2023 to deepening its commitment to the SDGs
On 1 July the co-operative movement will celebrate the International Day of Co-operatives 2023. Under the slogan 'Co-operatives for Sustainable Development', the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) aims to demonstrate that the way co-operatives work, inspired by their values and principles, has the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its DNA.
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Leading agri-food chain organisations unite to call for greater collaboration in the development of the future EU sustainable food systems legislative framework
31 leading organisations representing all actors in the food supply chain have sent a joint letter to the European Commission calling for greater collaboration in the process of developing the flagship initiative of the Farm to Fork strategy: the legislative Framework on Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS). Signatories to the letter include COPA-COGECA, the united voice of farmers and agricultural cooperatives in the EU, and EURO COOP, the Union of European Consumer Cooperatives.
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The António Sérgio Cooperative for the Social Economy (CASES, Portugal) joined the pilot programme "Four-Day Week"
The António Sérgio Cooperative for the Social Economy (CASES) has joined the pilot programme "Four-Day Week", a programme run by the Portuguese Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, with integrated implementation within the scope of the Decent Work Agenda. The Pilot Programme started on 5 June and will run until 30 November, involving managers and workers.
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AIM at UN multilateral hearing on universal health coverage
Mutuals have an important role to play in achieving universal health coverage. Eric Chenut, President of Mutualité Française, spoke on 9 May in New York at the UN multi-stakeholder hearing on universal health coverage to represent the position of the International Association of Mutuality (AIM) at this meeting, which is an integral part of the preparations for the UN high-level summit on universal health coverage, to be held on 21 September.
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Philea Forum 2023 inspires foundations to adopt strategies to address major global challenges
The Philea Forum 2023, the main discussion meeting of European foundations, took place in Sibenik (Croatia) from 23 to 25 May. The Forum provided an opportunity for nearly 700 professionals from philanthropy and civil society to find new ways to collaborate in the search for solutions to today's major challenges.
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Report "Legal Ecosystems for the Social Economy"
At the end of an unprecedented peer learning experience, REVES and CEPES are pleased to present the report "Legal Ecosystems for the Social Economy", carried out in the framework of the OECD Global Action for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy and funded by the European Union. The project ran from April to October 2021 and involved representatives of national and regional authorities as well as national and continental social economy organisations from three continents.
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2023 ICA CCR Cooperative Research Conference, in Leuven, Belgium
ICA CCR Global and European Cooperative Research Conference will take place on 10-13 July in Leuven, Belgium. Hosted by the Centre of Expertise for Cooperative Entrepreneurship (KCO KU Leuven), the conference will bring together academics, researchers, and cooperative practitioners and policy-makers to discuss the latest research and policy developments in the area of cooperative governance.
+info9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy - Seoul, 4-6 July 2023
The aim of this Conference will be to share with academics, entrepreneurs and social sectors their research by contributing to issues such as: social and solidarity economy in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, as major global issues. The CIRIEC-International Research Conferences on Social Economy are the largest academic event on social economy worldwide.
+info#9EMESconf "Act locally, change globally: Social enterprises and cooperatives for more resilient economies and societies" 11-14 September 2023
The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with Competence Center for Social Intervention Research at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences are pleased to announce the 9th EMES International Research Conference. The Conference will take place from 11th to 14th September 2023 in the city of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.