News of the European Social Economy
SEN#19April 2023

Cooperatives strengthen the social economy
By Bruno Roelants, Director-General of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) between 2018 and 2023
"Cooperatives are one of the main actors of the social economy (or social and solidarity economy - SSE) as it is now called in the UN system), which, as the name itself indicates, is an economy, an economic space. According to the European experience, where the concept of social economy was created and elaborated, the promotion of the social economy should be based on both the promotion of its various actors (cooperatives, mutuals, associations etc.), and the establishment of strong alliances and partnerships among them".
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Social Economy Conference in Gothenburg, June 7-9th
Within the framework of Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, on 7-9 June the most important European players in the field of social economy gather in Gothenburg, at a conference highlighting the role of social economy in creating a stronger and more resilient Europe. The conference program is available.
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Social Economy Europe launches the 2nd edition of the European Social Economy Awards
This year, SEE wants specially to recognize the efforts and contributions of social economy enterprises and organisations for the digital and green transitions. the Social Economy Awards will have four categories: Social Innovation, Skills, Green Transition, Digitalization. Applications for each one of these categories can be submitted by August 31, 2023.
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The ENUIES Network, of CIRIEC-Spain, celebrated a brilliant Social Economy University Week, with the participation of 38 universities from 6 countries
The 4th University Week of the Social Economy concluded with a great event on the new Spanish Law on the University System, which recognises the Social Economy as a formula for entrepreneurship that should be promoted from universities, and as a collaborating sector for research activity and knowledge transfer.
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Ukraine, for social entrepreneurship
The Platform for Social Change (in 2015-2022, Social Academy of Ukraine) was founded for research, training and consulting in the field of social entrepreneurship and innovation in Ukraine. It creates social impact labs and supports startups focused on solving social problems. The Platform for Social Change provides social entrepreneurs in Ukraine with a full range of services for the effective implementation of their strategies. It has already supported more than 600 startups.
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OECD Guides on Legal Frameworks and on Social Impact Measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy
The OECD published at the end of March two new guides in the framework of its Global Action "Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy Ecosystems". The Action has focused on two critical policy levers that can help unlock the potential of the social and solidarity economy, namely legal frameworks and social impact measurement, in addition to other drivers of a strong policy ecosystem.
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Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise 2023
In the spirit of empowering women leaders in Europe’s social enterprise sector and accelerating progress towards a more gender-equal world, Euclid Network (EN) launched the Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise initiative two years ago. Through this initiative EN celebrates women in the social enterprise sector, spotlighting their impact journey and achievements, connecting them to learn from and inspire each other.
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XIX CIRIEC-Spain Congress of Researchers in Social Economy
The XIX CIRIEC-Spain Congress of Researchers in Social Economy will be held from 19 to 21 April in Mataró (Barcelona) with the collaboration of the Chair of Social Economy of the Tecnocampus and the Fundació Roca i Galès. The Spanish Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats, will give the inaugural conference on Thursday, 20 April. Last days to register.
+infoGlobal Social Economy Forum GSEF 2023, Dakar, 1 - 6 May
Every two years, the GSEF holds a Global Social Economy Forum, in partnership with member cities around the world. It has become a key event for the social and solidarity economy (SSE), demonstrating how this concept is embodied today. This year, the Forum will be held in Africa for the first time. Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is a gateway to the continent. A cosmopolitan city, open to the world, and distinguished by the vibrant social fabric of its everyday life.
+infoXVI International RULESCOOP Congress - Oporto, 4 to 5 May
he 16th RULESCOOP Congress invites the academic, scientific and professional community to discuss the role of the social economy in the framework of the green, digital and inclusive transitions. The deadline for submission of proposals is 14 April. Papers may be written or presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The 16th edition of the Congress is organised by the ISCAP, of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto.
+infoPhilea Forum 2023 - Šibenik (Croatia) 23-25 May
The Philea Forum 2023, main annual meeting of European foundations, will transport more than 700 delegates to the heart of the Euro-Mediterranean region to discuss about “European values” or the “European way of life”, and how philanthropy can use them as compasses to navigate today’s challenges around climate, democracy and equality.
+infoFirst Legal Congress of CIRIEC-Spain - Cordoba, 15-16 June
In addition to the traditional perspectives (commercial, labour, civil and tax law), the aim is to address areas that have so far been little explored, including historical, international, comparative, philosophical and constitutional studies. The 1st CIRIEC-Spain Legal Conference has the collaboration of the University of Cordoba (UCO), the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Centre for Research in Business Management (CEGEA) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).
+info9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy - Seoul, 4-6 July 2023
The aim of this Conference will be to share with academics, entrepreneurs and social sectors their research by contributing to issues such as: social and solidarity economy in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, as major global issues. The CIRIEC-International Research Conferences on Social Economy are the largest academic event on social economy worldwide.