News of the European Social Economy
SEN#18February 2023

The GSEF will meet you in Dakar in May 2023!
By Aude Saldana, General Secretary of the Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy (GSEF)
"The Global Forum for Social and Solidarity Economy (GSEF) is an international organisation of local governments and civil society networks committed to the promotion of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) as a tool for inclusive and sustainable local development. Founded in 2013 in Seoul, its headquarters were relocated to Bordeaux in 2022. Every two years, the GSEF organises a Global Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy. The sixth edition will be held from 1 to 6 May 2023 in Dakar, Senegal."
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The Committee of the Regions of the European Union adopts an opinion on "A favourable environment for the social economy"
This opinion demonstrates the strong interest of cities and regional authorities on social economy and acknowledges its importance for the society, recognizing the importance of a “vibrant social economy ecosystem” for a sustainable development model in all territories.
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European Social Economy Regions (ESER) 2023: Call for Expression of Interest
The European Social Economy Regions (ESER) initiative is a community network with over 100 members, promoted by the European Commission. It supports Commission social economy policies and was actively involved in the co-creation process of the transition pathway for the proximity and social economy ecosystem.
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Víctor Meseguer appointed Special Commissioner for the Social Economy by the Spanish government
The former director of Social Economy Europe (SEE) will coordinate initiatives related to the European economic recovery plan "Social and Care Economy", which is endowed with more than 800 million euros.
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4th University Week of the Social Economy, by ENUIES Network, CIRIEC-Spain
After the success of the first editions, with the participation of 30 universities and more than 5,000 people in 200 activities, the ENUIES Network, of CIRIEC-Spain, is once again calling on the Centres, Institutes, Chairs and other Social Economy research structures in Spain and Latin America to celebrate the 4th University Week of the Social Economy, which will take place from 20 to 30 March 2023. There will therefore be ten days, like last year, which will allow a better distribution and spacing of the activities.
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France: Towards the 'SSE Week in Schools' - 7th
The 7th edition of the SSE Week in Schools will be held from 17 March to 21 April 2023. SSE Week in Schools aims to promote the Social and Solidarity Economy among young people. From kindergarten to university, in all French territories, it allows them to discover the fundamentals that guide this socio-economic logic, in particular through meetings with local professionals in this sector.
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Welcome to ‘Social Economy Ukraine’!
The new organisation is a catalyst of social economy development in Ukraine, ready to unlock the full potential of the social economy to rebuild the country
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Winners of 10th edition of the European Social Innovation Competition
The European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC) winners have been awarded by the Commission and the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). The 2022 challenge: “the future of living” was designed to attract applications from diverse fields tackling the challenge linked to the current architecture and sustainable solutions of European housing districts.
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New book: ‘Humanistic Governance in Democratic Organizations. The Cooperative Difference’
This book, in open access, examines how corporate governance can integrate with humanistic management practices. Draws together international perspectives on cooperative governance. Edited by Sonja Novković, Karen Miner and Cian McMahon, the book builds on the research of the International Centre for Co-operative Management, at Saint Mary’s University, Canada.
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International Symposium "Facing the (g)local emergencies: ensuring the supply of vital goods and services through the social economy and state-owned enterprises”
Debates will focus on:
- How to address the challenges of transition?
- Infrastructure: at the forefront of energy transition
- Urban policies to co-construct the local development
- Public companies, protagonists of integrated models in response to the necessary transitions
- The Social Economy : another way to undertake in the territories
- Partnerships to face global challenges by building local solutions
Program available!
+infoInternational Congress CIRIEC Costa Rica 2023 - July 19, 20 and 21
CIRIEC-Costa Rica invites you to the International Conference "The social economy in the development of Latin American societies" on 19-21 July. The event will be held at the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED. Monte de Oca, San José, Costa Rica. Papers and posters are invited until 30 April.
+infoSave the date! 7-9 june EU 2023 social economy conference in Gothenburg
In connection with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the most important European players in the field of social economy gather in Gothenburg, at a conference highlighting the role of social economy in creating a stronger and more resilient Europe.