News of the European Social Economy
SEN#16December 2022

Colombia hosted for the first time the Mont Blanc Meetings, a global meeting of the social and solidarity economy
By Eva Cantele, General Delegate of the SSE International Forum
"The tenth edition of the Mont Blanc Meetings was held for the first time on the American continent, from 18 to 19 October 2022, at the Cartagena de Indias Convention Centre in Colombia. The meeting was organised by SSE Forum International (ESSFI), a global network of 31 organisations that exists since 2004 and promotes the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) as a means of achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and, in general, as the basis for an economic, political and social model that places people and ecosystems at its centre, reflecting on and developing strategies on the promotion and development of SSE at all levels of governance."
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Europe celebrates one year of the Social Economy Action Plan and ten years of Social Economy Europe
The European Parliament in Brussels hosted on 7 December a major event organised by Social Economy Europe (SEE) and the Social Economy Intergroup to celebrate the first anniversary of the European Social Economy Action Plan and the tenth anniversary of SEE. Among numerous representatives of the sector, institutions and governments of the EU were the Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit; the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy of the Spanish Government, Joaquín Pérez Rey; the co-president of the Social Economy Intergroup in the European Parliament, Patrizia Toia, and the vice-president of this same Intergroup, Jordi Cañas, together with the president of SEE, Juan Antonio Pedreño.
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The UN will approve a resolution on the Social Economy in June 2023
On 13 December in New York, the United Nations held the second Conference to work on a United Nations Resolution on the Social Economy, which it hopes to approve in June 2023. This was stated by representatives of countries from all over the world at this event, promoted by the governments of Spain, France, Senegal and Chile with the support of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).
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IX CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy - Seoul, July 2023
CIRIEC invites you to its 'IX International Research Conference on Social Economy, which will be held from 4 to 6 July 2023 in Seoul (South Korea), at Sungkonghoe University. The aim of this conference will be to share with academics, other researchers and social economy players their research by contributing to issues such as: social and environmental transition, reconstruction, democratic governance, impact measurement, green transformation, as major global issues.
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CECOP & ETUC joint event for an ambitious Directive on improving working conditions in platform work
During the November plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, on November 22, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and CECOP organized a joint hearing. The event was titled “Respect for fair competition, workers' rights and real self-employment via an ambitious Directive on improving working conditions in platform work” and aimed at providing MEPs with the point of view of cooperatives, genuinely self-employed workers, and subordinated workers.
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France: 15th edition of the SSE Month - November 2022
Last November, France celebrated a new edition, the 15th, of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Month, a popular and multidisciplinary event for the dissemination of the SSE. This edition was anchored in a particular period: the beginning of a new five-year term. The public authorities have five years to rely on the SSE to contribute to the transformation of the economy, the SSE being a constituent and even an indispensable lever for building the world that is coming, at least if we want it to be fairer, more united and more fraternal.
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Europhilantopics 2022 brought together the foundations sector and representatives of the European Commission in Brussels
On 6 December, a new edition of Europhilantopics was held in Brussels at the Philea headquarters. Under the title “Co-creating the Future of Europe in Difficult Times”, the event brought together representatives of the European Commission, foundations and national associations of foundations in several working sessions to discuss European policies of interest to the sector, with the European Action Plan for the Social Economy as a reference initiative.
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A new edition of the World Cooperative Monitor is available, with the Top 300 largest cooperatives and mutuals in the world
This year's report marks the start of the second decade of the project, and contains the annual rankings and sectoral analyses with which the International Co-operative Alliance works, as well as a special article on digitalisation and large co-operatives.
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Dossier on 'The social and solidarity economy' in the Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale
Under the direction of Isabelle Daugareilh and Mathieu de Poorter, the issue 2022/3 of the Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale has been published. 14 thematic studies on "The Social and Solidarity Economy" and 22 International Legal News covering Africa, the Americas, Asia-Oceania and Europe, make up this new 330-page issue.
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Final Summit of the OECD Global Action for Promoting Social and Solidarity Ecosystems
GSEF2023 Call for Proposals
The 6th edition of the Global Social Economy Forum, GSEF2023 Dakar, will take place from 1-6 May 2023 in Dakar (Senegal). This event is co-organized by the City of Dakar and the Network of Actors and Local Authorities for Social and Solidarity Economy, in partnership with the Ministry of Microfinance and Social and Solidarity Economy of Senegal.
+infoInternational Symposium "Facing the (g)local emergencies: ensuring the supply of vital goods and services through the social economy and state-owned enterprises”
Debates will focus on:
- How to address the challenges of transition?
- Infrastructure: at the forefront of energy transition
- Urban policies to co-construct the local development
- Public companies, protagonists of integrated models in response to the necessary transitions
- The Social Economy : another way to undertake in the territories
- Partnerships to face global challenges by building local solutions
Program available!
+info#9EMESconf "Act locally, change globally: Social enterprises and cooperatives for more resilient economies and societies" 11-14 September 2023
The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with Competence Center for Social Intervention Research at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences are pleased to announce the 9th EMES International Research Conference. The Conference will take place from 11th to 14th September 2023 in the city of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.