News of the European Social Economy
SEN#15November 2022

Being a WISE in 2022 – Work Integration Social Enterprises have big ambitions!
By Patrizia Bussi, ENSIE Director
"We are in the middle of crucial months and years for the social economy and, in particular, for the so-called work integration social enterprises, WISEs. The main objective of WISEs is the social and professional integration of people with support needs, they are at the core of the economic system and present a strong pedagogical dimension. They strive for more inclusive and integrated forms of employment all over Europe".
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The European Commission presents the Transition Pathway for the Proximity and Social Economy, in the framework of its Industrial Strategy, and coinciding with a GECES plenary meeting
This plan, entitled 'Transition Pathway of for the Proximity and Social Economy Ecosystem', proposes a set of 30 actions in 14 different areas to further support the social economy in leading fair green and digital transitions in the European Union. This action is important because it puts the Social Economy at the heart of the European industrial policy agenda.
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Event at the European Parliament in Brussels to mark the first year of the Social Economy Action Plan and 10 years of Social Economy Europe
On Wednesday 7 December 2022, in the European Parliament in Brussels, Social Economy Europe (SEE) will launch an event to celebrate One year of the Social Economy Action Plan, and ten years of SEE: for an economy that works for people & the planet. The conference aims to bring together main social economy policy makers, as well as entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to commemorate these milestones with SEE, as the highest representative organisation of the Social Economy in Europe
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Call for papers for the XIX Congress of Researchers in Social Economy of CIRIEC-Spain - Mataró (Barcelona), April 2023
CIRIEC-Spain is launching a call for papers for the XIX Congress of Researchers in Social Economy, which will take place on 19-21 April 2023 at the Tecnocampus in Mataró (Barcelona). The general theme of the XIX Congress is "The role of the Social Economy in a scenario of crisis and uncertainty". Proposals for papers will be accepted until 14 December.
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Leuven to host the 2023 ICA CCR Cooperative Research Conference
Next year’s joint ICA CCR Global and European Cooperative Research Conference will take place on 10-13 July in Leuven, Belgium. Hosted by the Centre of Expertise for Cooperative Entrepreneurship (KCO KU Leuven), the conference will bring together academics, researchers, and cooperative practitioners and policy-makers to discuss the latest research and policy developments in the area of cooperative governance.
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BaSE project Blueprint for advanced skills and trainings in the social economy
The baSE project (Blueprint for advanced skills and trainings in the social economy), kicked off in Bilbao and Mondragon, in the Basque Country. The baSE project is co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme, and aims to develop a European strategy to address skills mismatches and provide new skills particularly in the digital and green areas regarding occupational profiles in the Social Economy and Proximity sector.
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ICMIF celebrates its 100th anniversary in Rome with key figures on the growth of mutual and cooperative insurers
More than 400 leaders from the global mutual and cooperative insurance sector gathered on 25-28 October for the ICMIF Centenary Conference, the International Cooperative Alliance's sectoral branch for cooperative insurance. The Conference took place in Rome, the city where ICMIF was founded 100 years ago. The theme of the event was 'Leading with Purpose' and it was hosted by one of ICMIF's founding members, the Unipol Group.
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Measuring Cooperatives: An information guide on the ILO Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
This document provides a broad audience with information on the Guidelines on Cooperative Statistics, the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives adopted at the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in October 2018. The Guidelines were developed in response to a resolution adopted at the 19th ICLS in 2013 which recommended that the International Labour Office undertake further work to develop tools to measure the performance of cooperatives worldwide.
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9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy
The 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will take place in Seoul (South Korea), 04-06 July 2023, under the General topic: “Building forward better: Social and solidarity economy for a peaceful and fair world”. This is the first time that the CIRIEC Scientific Congress on Social Economy is held in an Asian country. The Congress website with detailed and practical information for travel and stay in Seoul is now available. The online platform for the submission of papers is also available, and the deadline for abstract submission has been set for 31 January.
+info37th CIRIEC Japan Research Conference, Nagoya City, Japan, 3-4 December
The theme of the conference is "Challenges and perspectives for the SDGs and carbon neutral targets".
+infoUN Event: How can the international recognition of Social and Solidarity Economy help achieve the SDGs through social and inclusive innovation?
13 Dec 2022, 10:00-12:00 pm (NYT) UN Headquarters, CR6, NY. Save the date!