News of the European Social Economy
SEN#14October 2022

10 years of Social Economy Europe : More social economy in Europe means more democracy and fair transitions
Víctor Meseguer, Director de Social Economy Europe (SEE)
November 2022 will mark 10 years since the establishment of Social Economy Europe (SEE) as a European association. On 7 December we will celebrate this first decade of SEE and the first year of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy at a public event at the European Parliament in Brussels.
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Social Economy Europe (SEE) sends an open letter to the President of the European Commission, offering solutions to the current multiple crises
In this letter, the social economy expresses its full commitment to work with the Commission and the various European institutions to address the current enormous challenges: energy crisis, crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine, inflation, inequality and growing poverty,... SEE affirms that the European Union is prepared to overcome these multiple crises "through greater cooperation, solidarity and innovation", based on the business models of the social economy: 2.8 million entities, employing 13.6 million people in Europe.
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SEE contribution to the European Commission call for evidence on social economy framework conditions
The Council Recommendation on social economy will be a key action for the success of the Social Economy Action Plan’ agenda, and a driver for policy innovation on social economy in the 27 Member States, and potentially beyond, as it might be useful also for neighbouring countries which are currently updating their social economy policy and legal frameworks.
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CIRIEC-Spain presents the report 'The Social Economy in Spain in figures' and the new Statistical Portal of the Social Economy CIRIECSTAT
CIRIECSTAT is a project to implement a system for collecting and producing statistics on the Social Economy that gathers, purifies and publishes the different statistics on the Social Economy in Spain in a single portal, in a permanent and continuous way, and with homogeneous and comparable national accounting methodological criteria.
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First transnational meeting of the WISEs4Youth Project
WISEs4Youth is an Erasmus+ project which aims to create training activities for social entrepreneurial skills development targeting potential young social entrepreneurs in Western Balkans.
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UNTFSSE Position Paper: Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy
The second position paper of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy revisits the role of Social and Solidarity Economy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and calls for a stronger enabling environment and policy framework for SSE. This Position Paper, coordinated by the ILO with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy of Luxembourg, is a joint effort of members and observers of the UNTFSSE.
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ESS France and Aésio Mutuelle publish a new opportunity note on the role and potential development of SSE in the media field
At a time of extreme concentration of media ownership, the debate on the conditions for producing independent, free and pluralist information is more topical than ever. ESS France and Aésio Mutuelle are contributing to this debate by identifying and analysing the fundamental role of social and solidarity economy enterprises and organisations in the media field, and the place they could take in the future, with a view to democratisation.
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New report on Ethical Finance in Europe
The new report shows, for the fifth consecutive year, the social, economic and environmental performance of banks that are guided exclusively by the application of ethical principles. Its results are based on reports to 7 FEBEA members, the European members of the GABV - Global Alliance for Banking on Values - and 2 banks also in Europe that are part of INAISE - International Association of Investors in Social Economy.
Read moreSocial Economy Schedule
9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy
The 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will take place in Seoul (South Korea), 04-06 July 2023, under the General topic: “Building forward better: Social and solidarity economy for a peaceful and fair world”. This is the first time that the CIRIEC Scientific Congress on Social Economy is held in an Asian country. The Congress website with detailed and practical information for travel and stay in Seoul is now available. The online platform for the submission of papers is also available, and the deadline for abstract submission has been set for 31 January.
+infoXV International Congress RULESCOOP 2022 - from 15 to 17 November 2022 in Santiago de Chile
The University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) through its International Centre for Social and Cooperative Economy (CIESCOOP), invites you to the XV Congress of the Euro-Latin American University Network on Social and Cooperative Economy (RULESCOOP), to be held under the theme "Social Economy and Entrepreneurship: Experiences and Learning for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals". The Congress will be held from 15 to 17 November 2022 in hybrid format at the University of Santiago de Chile.
+infoXIX International Congress of Researchers in Social Economy of CIRIEC-Spain - April 2023 in Mataró
Mataró will once again host the Congress of Researchers in Social Economy of CIRIEC-Spain, after the congress held there in September 2020, which was affected by the pandemic. The Congress will be held on 19-21 April 2023 under the theme 'The contribution of the social economy to the post-pandemic structural model change'. Call for papers available.
+info14th November - Hybrid Event: Release of the Transition Pathway for “Proximity and Social Economy”
Launching the transition pathway for the proximity and social economy ecosystem is a crucial deliverable of the renewed European industrial policy (2021) and the social economy action plan (2021). The transition pathway aims to enable actors in the ecosystem to deliver on the twin transition while fostering a more sustainable and resilient economy in the EU. The launch event will also be an opportunity for stakeholders to present their commitments to co-implement the transition pathway!
+info15th November - CECOP Conference "Cooperatives as frontrunners of innovation in the care sector"
On September 7, 2022, European Commission published a package of policy documents on care, including the first ever European Care Strategy. CECOP’s conference will look at novel solutions cooperatives provide for better care across Europe. More specifically, we will hear testimonies from cooperatives on two crucial aspects of innovation: technological innovation in the service of care and on social innovation for unmet needs.
+info#9EMESconf "Act locally, change globally: Social enterprises and cooperatives for more resilient economies and societies" 11-14 September 2023
The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with Competence Center for Social Intervention Research at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences are pleased to announce the 9th EMES International Research Conference. The Conference will take place from 11th to 14th September 2023 in the city of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.