News of the European Social Economy
SEN#13September 2022

CIRIEC, a hub for social economy and its values
Bernard Thiry, President of CIRIEC
"On the occasion of its 33rd congress last June, CIRIEC celebrated its 75th anniversary, notably by publishing two books which retrace the scientific contributions and the main developments of the organisation. Since its creation, CIRIEC has devoted itself to the study and objective information on the various forms of enterprises and organisations that contribute to the collective interest: local public enterprises, state-owned enterprises, cooperatives, mutual societies and other components of the social economy. Since 1974, the term "Social Economy" was included in CIRIEC's statutory name."
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Foundations laid to promote the first UN resolution on the Social Economy and SDGs
On 22 July, the United Nations hosted a side event at its headquarters in New York to discuss the role of the social economy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The various Member States represented at the meeting expressed their support for this resolution within the framework of the United Nations.
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OECD Recommendation on the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation
The Recommendation on Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation was adopted by the OECD Council at Ministerial level on 10 June 2022. The Recommendation promotes the social economy’s potential to pioneer new business models, provide essential services, contribute to a fairer, green and digital transition, engage youth, and build communities.
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Presentation of the Edgard Milhaud Award 2022
The Closing Day of the 33rd CIRIEC International Congress was marked by the awarding of the Edgard Milhaud Prize, as well as the recognition of the best papers presented at the Congress. The Edgard Milhaud Award was created in 2008 to commemorate the founder of CIRIEC International, which this year celebrates its 75th anniversary.
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The Mont Blanc Meetings reach their 10th edition
On 17, 18 and 19 October 2022, the 10th edition of the Mont Blanc Meetings will take place at the Cartagena de Indias Convention Centre in Colombia, organised by ESS International Forum.
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Report: European Mutual Market Share 2022
The share of the total European insurance market held by mutual and cooperative insurers has increased to a record high of 33.4%, according to the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation’s latest Mutual Market Share report, marking a 9.2 percentage-point increase from the first available market share figure (24.2%) recorded in 2007.
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European ethical banking highlights its role as a benchmark in financing the social economy
More than 120 people representing different European countries gathered in Barcelona for the annual conference of the Federation of Ethical Banks and Alternative Financiers (FEBEA). Under the title "Credit & Beyond", the conference highlighted the work carried out by ethical finance in recent decades, as well as its aim to position itself as a financial benchmark for the social economy and a broad conception of sustainability.
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9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy
The 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will take place in Seoul (South Korea), 04-06 July 2023, under the General topic: “Building forward better: Social and solidarity economy for a peaceful and fair world”. This is the first time that the CIRIEC Scientific Congress on Social Economy is held in an Asian country. The Congress website with detailed and practical information for travel and stay in Seoul is now available. The online platform for the submission of papers is also available, and the deadline for abstract submission has been set for 31 January.
+infoXV International Congress RULESCOOP 2022 - from 15 to 17 November 2022 in Santiago de Chile
The University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) through its International Centre for Social and Cooperative Economy (CIESCOOP), invites you to the XV Congress of the Euro-Latin American University Network on Social and Cooperative Economy (RULESCOOP), to be held under the theme "Social Economy and Entrepreneurship: Experiences and Learning for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals". The Congress will be held from 15 to 17 November 2022 in hybrid format at the University of Santiago de Chile.
+infoXIX International Congress of Researchers in Social Economy of CIRIEC-Spain - April 2023 in Mataró
Mataró will once again host the Congress of Researchers in Social Economy of CIRIEC-Spain, after the congress held there in September 2020, which was affected by the pandemic. The Congress will be held on 19-21 April 2023 under the theme 'The contribution of the social economy to the post-pandemic structural model change'. Call for papers available.
+infoCECOP Conference "Cooperatives as frontrunners of innovation in the care sector"
CECOP invites you to the conference: "Cooperatives Care! How to empower cooperatives as frontrunners of innovation in the care sector?"on November 15, 2022. On this occasion, CECOP’s conference will show how cooperatives across Europe already provide novel solutions for better care to millions of Europeans.