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News of the European Social Economy

CIRIEC together with Euricse is carrying out a statistical report on the social economy in the EU, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy

CIRIEC, in collaboration with Euricse and Spatial Foresight, is carrying out the study ‘Improving socio-economic knowledge of the Social and Proximity Economy ecosystem – Lot 1: Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU Social Economy‘. The study is carried out following a public call for tender launched by the European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA), a body of the European Commission, and in the framework of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy.

CIRIEC International has once again relied on Professor Rafael Chaves as CIRIEC representative in the core research team, and on José Luis Monzón as scientific advisor, both from CIRIEC-Spain. The full research team is composed of about 50 experts from EU Member States, coordinated by Barbara Franchini and Giulia Galera (Euricse), Silke Haarich (Spatial Foresight) and Barbara Sak (CIRIEC International).

The aim of the study is to analyse the recent evolution of the Social Economy and to have an overview of the weight and role of Social Economy entities in the European Union thanks to reliable, accurate and relevant data, using a common methodology in all 27 EU Member States. It will also shed light on several crucial aspects, such as the reaction of the Social Economy to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Social Economy’s contribution to industrial ecosystems.

The study will provide quantitative and qualitative data, which will contribute to the elaboration of public policies in the field of the Social Economy, and in the context of the European industrial strategy, among others.

CIRIEC already has a long track record of producing and participating in major international reports, including for the European Union institutions, such as the European Social Economy Satellite Accounts Manual (commissioned by the European Commission), or the studies carried out on the evolution of the EU social economy for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

The new study launched with Euricse and Spatial Foresight is expected to publish its results in the middle of next year.

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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea