by JoseJuan | Dec 21, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
The Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships Programme 2022-2023 is now open for applications from international students from non-EU countries to avail the opportunity to study for free in Ireland Universities. The MSc in Co-operatives, Agri-Food...
by JoseJuan | Sep 21, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
The Spanish Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, and her Portuguese counterpart, Minister Ana Mendes, reaffirmed their commitment to the Social Economy on 8 September in the Portuguese city of Coímbra by signing a new Memorandum of Understanding and...
by JoseJuan | Sep 21, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
The third meeting of the project ‘Promoting legal frameworks favourable to the Social Economy’, led by CEPES in the framework of the OECD Global Action for the Social Economy, was held on 7 September. CIRIEC-International participates in the project as...
by JoseJuan | Jun 21, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
Following the publication of a White Paper on Social Enterprises in July 2015, the Social Enterprise Act has recently been presented as a Bill to the Maltese Parliament. The Bill, currently in its second reading stage, is being debated in Parliament. In the event of...
by JoseJuan | Jun 21, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
The European Commission aims at collecting the views of Member States’ competent public authorities, academic and research institutions, business associations, industrial clusters, companies/businesses, consumer organisations, trade unions and citizens. All these...
by JoseJuan | Apr 27, 2021 | Public and Private Initiatives for Social Economy
The Social Economy Intergroup Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation: Investing in the Social Economy as tomorrow’s economy was held on the 18 February 2021, as a zoom webinar. This online event discussed the importance of investing in the upskilling and...