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News of the European Social Economy

CIRIEC-Spain encourages Universities in Europe and Latin America to participate in the Report on University Education in the field of Social Economy

CIRIEC-Spain is lauching a call to academic institutions in Europe and Latin America to collaborate in the preparation of the “Report on University Education in the field of Social Economy in Europe and Latin America.” This project aims to collect, highlight, and analyze formal university education offerings and teaching methodologies used in areas such as Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Social Economy, and related disciplines, including cooperativism, social innovation, solidarity economy, impact enterprises and social impact, among others.

CIRIEC-Spain encourages academic institutions and educators with training in these fields to participate in the project, and to disseminate it as widely as possible among partner institutions. Participation only requires completing the questionnaire available here, in any of the available languages, whichever is most convenient for each institution. The deadline for submitting the information is December 15th, 2024.

The collected information will enable the development of a comprehensive report that will serve as a reference for academic communities on both sides of the Atlantic, promoting knowledge and collaboration in the field of Social Economy education. It is expected that this report will facilitate access to key information about available educational resources at undergraduate and graduate levels in both public and private universities.

This effort is part of the Erasmus+ EEE3S+ project (“Ecole Erasmus+ d’entreprenariat Social” or “Erasmus+ School for Social Entrepreneurship”), which seeks to create a European school of social entrepreneurship by designing and implementing a mobility program for social enterprise development training.

Collaboration from academic institutions is essential for the success of this initiative, which aims to enhance the visibility and impact of educational programs in this field on an international scale.

CIRIEC insists that there is only until 15 December to send the information, which will be reflected in the Report.

Link to all information and questionnaires:

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CIRIEC-International CIRIEC-España Social Economy Europe Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Unión Europea