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News of the European Social Economy

Social Economy Conference in Gothenburg, June 7-9th

Within the framework of Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, on 7-9 June the most important European players in the field of social economy gather in Gothenburg, at a conference highlighting the role of social economy in creating a stronger and more resilient Europe. These annual recurring EU conferences on the social economy bring together leading politicians, civil servants and entrepreneurs from different parts of Europe to promote the development of the social economy in Europe.

The “Social Economy 2023 – Building a stronger and resilient Europe”’ conference is planned in close cooperation with European experts and stakeholders, and focuses on the Social Economy Action Plan and its implementation. It builds on last year’s Strasbourg conference “Social Economy – Future of Europe” which was included in the official program of the French Presidency and it bridges to the equivalent events to be held under the coming Spanish presidency in San Sebastian (13-14 November 2023) and the Belgian one in Liege (12-13 February 2024).

The conference also aims to highlight the circumstances around social economy in both southern and northern Europe, thus providing a basis for Council’s further work in this sector.

The conference program is available. The main conference will be held on 8th of June 2023 at the School of Economics, University of Gothenburg, although parallel international meetings and events will take place on 7 and 9 June 2023 in the city.

Among important speakers, the Conference will be attended by Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit; Minister for employment and social economy of Spanish Government, Yolanda Díaz (TBC); co-chair of the social Economy Intergroup, Patrizia Toia, and Alain Coheur, European Economic and Social Committee

The conference is organized by Coompanion in collaboration with Social Economy Europe, REVES and CECOP.

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