In 2017, the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE) started the mapping of European Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) and created its online WISEs database. This map allows to increase the visibility on WISEs’ work and activities and foster a more responsible behavior of producers and consumers.
This database brings together numerous (more than 1500) European WISEs on one online platform where you can sort your research according to your country, city or activity. Everyone can consult and find the WISEs operating the interested area of products or services. The WISEs themselves can also check out each other to foster cooperation or exchange of good practices.
ENSIE updates the information on the WISEs database on the yearly basis and in 2022 ENSIE updated the data for Croatia, Romania and Moldova. Work on data on WISEs from Azerbaijan, Sweden and Portugal is ongoing.
This tool can be relevant in helping you to find local products and at the same time support the local economy and the inclusion of disadvantaged people. ENSIE reminds you that there is a way to consume and product in a more responsible way by buying or using services provided by a WISE.
What is a WISE?
WISEs are enterprises whose main objective is the social and professional integration of disadvantaged people. They offer such individuals the opportunity to prepare themselves for their integration into the labour market and to gain access to employment and training to acquire needed skills. In their drive towards their social objectives, the WISEs operate at the very core of the economic system. They are enterprises with a strong pedagogical dimension which initiate educational programs designed on the basis of existing potential within the enterprises. WISEs are a leading figure in the social economy.